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Federal Elections 2019

— Disclaimer: Please note this article is written by Vesh Arumugam a freelance journalist who attended the ECCWA Pre Election Forum on 8th May. His views do not represent the stance of ECCWA’s staff or management.


ECCWA Election Bulletins

Bulletin 1

Bulletin 2

Bulletin 3 – Federal Election 2019

Political Parties – Policy links

Australian Greens:

  • Multiculturalism

  • Human Rights

  • Immigration and Refugees

Australian Labor Party:

For the following policies please click link:

  • Multiculturalism see page 118

  • Human Rights see page 120

  • Migration and Refugees see page 141

  • Humanitarian Migration Programme see page 143

Liberal Party of Australia:

       Federal Elections 2017

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 am - 4.30 pm

Contact Us

Tel: 08 9227 5322



Office Location

20 View Street,  North Perth  6006 WA

ACNC Resgistered:

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Copyright 2022 Ethnic Communities Council of Western Australia

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