Policy and Advocacy
ECCWA’s policy, advocacy and information program has the following objectives:
Ensure that ECCWA’s policy positions contribute to Government policy making
Promote and safeguard the interests of Multicultural and CaLD communities in WA
Facilitate dissemination of state government information to multicultural/ethnic communities
Key Performance Outcomes
State government policies that better reflect the needs of a culturally diverse society
Information that can be used to provide a timely, relevant and comprehensive, consultative and advisory service to the Minister.
Ethnic Communities are better informed of State government policies and programs.
Voice of multicultural/ethnic communities is effectively heard by political and bureaucratic decision-makers.
ECCWA Ishar FDV submission to inquiry
ECCWA's support for FECCA's request to ethnic data count in Australia
About this program
We work towards ensuring that ECCWA’s policy positions contribute to Government policy making
Promote and safeguard the interests of CaLD communities in WA.
Facilitate dissemination of state government information to ethnic communities.
Support and advocacy services for individuals are provided through the Ethnic Advocacy and Support Team (EAST).